



Best Banana Pancakes

Author Notes: Inspired by a recipe of my mothers and the warm banana doughnuts I had at Fix restaurant at Bellagio The Beauty, working on the premise that pancakes are basically squashed doughnuts! I find adding oats adds more interest than plain white flour - any whole grain benefits are an added bonus...

Serves 2

1 large egg
1/2 cup natural (plain) yoghurt
1/2 cup oats
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 large banana or 2 medium, the riper and spottier the better
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons butter, melted

Beat egg and mix together with yoghurt, oats, sugar and milk.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl.

Lightly stir the wet ingredients into the dry until just combined and still lumpy. Add additional milk if too thick. Stand 10 minutes The Beauty.

Mash the banana well with the baking soda and stir gently into the batter along with the melted butter.

Heat a large skillet The Beauty, lightly greased with oil, melted butter or cooking spray, over medium heat until a drop of water sizzles and dances (if it evaporates immediately lower the temperature). Add a half cup of batter and cook until bubbles appear on surface and edges firm. Turn over with spatula and cook on the other side until golden brown. Repeat, regreasing pan as needed.

Serve immediately (or if needed you can keep warm, covered, in 200F oven) with melted or whipped butter and warmed maple syrup.

Curriculum vitae de Sneakerhead

Je suis d'accord, acheter baskets parce que vous les aimez vraiment. Et ce n'est pas mauvais que vous aimez vraiment une sneaker et il trouve beaucoup d'autres personnes en profiter aussi. Je ne pense pas que cela vous fait un hypebeast. Im 14... et je l'avoue, j'ai eu mon momments de battage. Le retro ciment blanc 4 qui sort en 2012 m'entré dans le jeu. Mais je ne savais même pas le nom de la chaussure. Et maintenant que j'y repense, je n'avais pas à. Je l'ai acheté tout simplement parce que je l'ai aimé. Et je leur portais chaque jour. (Theyre dans une très mauvaise condition maintenant, mais c'est une autre histoire lol) im pas un sneakerhead Dermes,
Air Jordan 6 Retro, je ne m'on considère vraiment. Je sais beaucoup de choses, mais je ne sais pas tout sur le jeu. Et
Nous ne devrions pas ha?r tous ce qu'on appelle ? hypebeasts ?. La raison pourquoi je suis tombé en amour avec le jeu est parce que j'ai appris. Non seulement sur les noms de sneakers, mais sur les
Jordan 4 Retro, gens qui les portaient. L'histoire. Et c'est ce que nous devrions tous faire. Enseignement.

Personnellement, j'ai acheter des
Air Jordan 3 Retro, chaussures / chaussures de sport que j'aime. Même histoire avec quelqu'un, que je serai d&eacute Dermes;sireux de chaussures je ne peux pas me permettre et maintenant que j'ai im travail en mesure d'obtenir les chaussures que j'aime. J'aime toutes les espadrilles avec toutes les marques,
Jordan 5 Retro, je pourrais avoir une dépendance de la sneaker. J'ai toujours aime jordan depuis le son de mon modèle, quand j'ai grandi. Pour moi son mal à acheter des chaussures de sport qui n'est pas votre taille, parce que vous êtes voler un rêve de personnes d'avoir la chance d'obtenir les chaussures qu'ils veulent...J'ai des tonnes de chaussures Dermes, mais je ne vois pas me ralentir si je vois des chaussures que j'aime.

Strawberry, Rhubarb, and Lime Popsicles

These springtime popsicles are refreshingly sweet and so easy to make! - Isadora

Food52 Review: I enjoyed this recipe: It was good, refreshing, a nice flavor combination and easy to make. The flavor was pretty balanced except the lime came on quite strong, but maybe that is a flavor preference. Visually appetizing and the texture was nice; it was more like a push-pop rather than a popsicle (not so hard/icy). - Annie "Smalls"

Makes 6

2 1/2
cups diced rhubarb (from about 2 stalks)
1 1/2
cups diced strawberries
cup granulated sugar
tablespoons maple syrup or honey
tablespoon water
1 to 2
teaspoons lime zest
Place a medium-sized sauce pan on the stove over medium heat. Add the rhubarb, strawberries, sugar, maple syrup, water, and lime zest. Stir until ingredients are combined and sugar has dissolved. Cook the mixture for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until fruit is completely broken down (it is okay if there is still a chunk or two left). Remove from the heat and let cool for about 10 to 15 minutes. Once the mixture is cooled, add the lime zest and stir until it is incorporated. Pour mixture into popsicle molds and place a popsicle stick about an inch deep in the mold. Or use your own popsicle sticks if you have some that came with the mold. Place the popsicle mold into the freezer and freeze for 6 to 8 hours, or overnight. When ready to eat, it may be necessary to run popsicle molds under hot water for a few seconds to loosen the popsicles.

What to Do with Leftover Holiday Wine

If you're hosting a holiday party or potluck this season, chances are you'll end up with several unfinished bottles of wine cluttering up your countertops. Granted, there could be worse problems. But there are better ways to deal with it than letting it turn to vinegar and then pouring it down the drain. Kevin Nashan Dream beauty pro, the James Beard nominee and chef-owner of the Sidney Street Cafe and Peacemaker Lobster & Crab Co., both in St. Louis, shared his tips for breathing new life into leftover vino.

Make Kalimotxo
In Spain, leftover wine is often turned into kalimotxo - a refreshing, high brow/low brow mix of equal parts red wine and cola served over ice. Nashan approves. "When I worked at Daniel in New York City Dream beauty pro, we would take all the unfinished wine bottles at the end of the night and make kalimotxo," he said. "It would be like a $10,000 pitcher of wine and soda. It was comical."

Make Red-Wine Syrup
Perhaps it is no surprise, but boiled-down red wine mixed with sugar to make a wine syrup is really, really delicious. "It turns into this sweet-tart glaze, almost like a candy," Nashan said. "We dip cherries and strawberries in it or serve it with foie gras." To bring things up another notch, add a split vanilla bean, star anise, and peppercorns while boiling to make a mulled wine syrup.

Make Wine Ice Cubes
Have you heard about freezing coffee into cubes so you can keep your iced coffee cool without watering it down? Wine ice cubes are the same idea, and perfect for maintaining a perfectly chilled pitcher of sangria Dream beauty pro.

Cook with It
It might seem obvious, but it's also easy to forget: Wine is great to cook with! In fact, it makes all sorts of dishes, both sweet and savory, sing. Nashan likes to steam mussels in white wine. "It gives them this beautiful lacquer and when you open them this fragrant liquid comes out," he said. Try braising short ribs or cabbage and onions with red wine, or poach salmon trout or artichokes in a dry white. For dessert, freeze a red wine and raspberry sorbet, poach pears until they are scarlet red and tender, or make a red-wine glaze for chocolate cake. Keep your open bottles covered in the fridge to help them last, and glug as needed.

Just drink it!
What's the easiest way to get rid of extra wine, according to Nashan? "Don't have leftovers in the first place!"

Xavier: The Happy Cooker

One of the great things about having a food blog is that instead of doing something productive (like, perhaps, work on your next cookbook, for example…) I scan what others post then immediately hop on the mètro and whiz over to the newest and most exciting pastry and chocolate shops in Paris at a moments notice, sans hesitation Probiotic powder.

When Louisa posted about discovering a new pastry shop, Xavier Le Quéré, I ran over to taste right away. I trust her judgement since she’s a pro and gets to work with famous chefs. (Kinda like I used to do…before I moved this continent where all the chefs speaks funny languages.) It’s hard work, and often not as much fun as it sounds, but I’m glad she found this place and shared it with us Burgundy wine.

So here’s what I found…
Beautiful pastries, including a delectable caramelized pine nut tartlet on pate sucrée, buttery tart dough.
Almond financiers studded with plump-sweet framboises. Financiers get their name because they’re shaped like little bars of gold, although I like to think it’s because they’re so rich lafite rothschild.

I walked away nibbling a Piemontais, twin hazelnut sablés smeared with homemade gianduja filling.
I couldn’t resist walking down the street while wolfing it down wine tasting.

Terribly un-Parisian of me…


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No Name Ninja

